
Registration is mandatory to attend the conference. Registration will be closed by: April 30, 2024. Any participant should proceed to the registration using the following steps (only the first one is required for the keynote and the invited session speakers):

  1. Log in to the website of the conference and fill the form "My registration".
  2. Visit the webpage French Association in Spatial Econometrics and Statistics ( to pay the fees

Registration and payment include access to all sessions, coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner. Speakers should register no later than April, 30, to ensure that their communication is in the program.The event will take place in person (see section Practical information).


Senior researcher member of the association: €130 VAT included
Senoir resercher non member of the associaiton: €180 VAT included
PhD student and post-doc member of the association: €80 VAT included
PhD student and post-doc non member of the association: €110 VAT included

Online user: 3 Privacy